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Fieldify provides a set of utility functions for use in your project. The following utilities are available:


The get_icon utility function returns the SVG markup for a given icon name and set.

  • Parameters
    • $set (string) - The icon set to use.
    • $name (string) - The name of the icon.
    • $size (string|int) - The size of the icon.

The following icon sets are available by default:

  • wordpress
  • social

The get_icon function is used as follows:

use Fieldify\get_icon;
$icon = get_icon( 'wordpress', 'star', 40 );


The is_block_rendering_preview utility function returns a boolean value indicating whether the current block is being rendered in the block editor preview. This is useful for ServerSideRendered blocks that need to render differently in the editor preview.

The is_block_rendering_preview function is used as follows:

use Fieldify\is_block_rendering_preview;
add_filter( 'render_block', function( $block_content, $block ) {
if ( is_block_rendering_preview() ) {
$block_content = 'This is a preview of the block.';
return $block_content;
}, 10, 2 );